ACB Valutazioni accepts assignments only when it deems that its skills allow for an adequate project delivery, taking into account the complexities and critical aspects of the situation at hand. It can involve teams with all the different facets of expertise needed to provide credible and reliable valuation analyses.
Prior to accepting any engagement, we walk clients through the three main areas of risk underlying any valuation:
- Risks intrinsic to the business or asset under review;
- Risks connected to the lack of a complete information set;
- Risks connected to the valuation process itself.
As intrinsic business risks cannot be eliminated we discuss with clients ways to mitigate it, to perform a robust valuation exercise:
extracting all the relevant information through an in-depth analysis performed by professional advisers;
selecting and tailoring the valuation frameworks to the specifics of each valuation.
Our approach does not conceal complexities, but rather deals with them transparently through an open communication with the relevant stakeholders (board members, supervisory board members, courts, financial market authorities, tax authorities, legal consultants, and audit firms).